A pathetic sim is the type of sim that will catfish another sim just to get back at them for something insignificant that they said to the pathetic sim's friend and even go as far as sending fake nudes. A pathetic sim is the type of sim that comes to you as a woman to tell you to stop talking to her man rather than leaving her man.
Buy a voodoo doll
Be mean to someone
Make an enemy
Critique something
Be mischievous
Level up in mischief skill
Career Change:
Detective career skill increase rate is 2x that of a regular sim.
Continuous Loots:
Buff Name: Take It Out on Someone Else
Buff Description: Pathetic sims can never deal with their own emotions. Thus, they try to take out their own frustrations on someone else.
Buff Emotion: Angry
Emotional Weight: +1
Happens when the sim is sad
Buff Name: Others Being Happy
Buff Description: This sim can't stand to see others happy. This seem feels to urge to make others around the sim absolutely miserable.
Buff Emotion: Angry
Happens when people around the sim are happy.