This is the trait for the sims that report other sim's Patreons simply because they have ONE file out of their hundreds of files that is Patreon exclusive. These sims feel the need to pick on creators that focus on afrocentric content, but completely ignore the users that don't. These sims also are on Rotten Tomatoes all now giving the Black Panther a bad review just because.
Admire possessions
Ask for Bribe
Blog about feeling
Blog for followers
Browse the web
Browse simpedia
Buy a computer
Complain about apartment problems
Complain about flavorless meat substitutes
Complain about love life
Complain about problems
Insult someone
Insult someone’s face
Record rant
Troll web forums
Troll web forums
Throw a fit
Skill Change:
Programming skill increase rate is 50% slower than that of a regular sim
Continuous Loots:
Buff Name: Patreon Users
Buff Description: Wow, someone is making money by spending hours of their life making CC. Since I refuse to learn how to make CC, I am not making money. Thus, I must report them until they release everything for free.
Buff Emotion: Angry
Emotional Weight: +2
(Happens when browsing the internet)
Buff Name: Need to Go on Rotten Tomatoes
Buff Description: How dare they! I must give them a bad review on Rotten Tomatoes.
Buff Emotion: Angry
Emotional Weight: +1
(From Being Bothered and Watching Funny Videos on Sim.tv)
(From Seeing a Black Panther Commercial)
i was gonna download this but the patreon thing rubbed me the wrong way. If u spend time thats on you, it's against EA's rules :/
I hate it when people make some kind of work and everything in it is insulting someone they have a grudge with. It's really annoying.
Lamo this trait is funny but it IS against EAs TOS... and if they spend the time that's on them. idk why its a big deal.