This is a trait for those who wake everyday with a thirst for attention from the same misogynist piece of shits who will pass you up for the same women you try-and often fail-to belittle.
Only available for teens, young adults, adults, and elders
This trait was inspired by Local Lady Media
Do something romantic
Flirt with someone
Freshen up in mirror
Kiss someone
Make a wish
Watch a romantic TV show
Career Performance Changes:
Social Media career increase rate increased to 2x faster than a regular sim
Retail career increase rate increased to 2x faster than a regular sim
Fast Food career increase rate increased to 2x faster than a regular sim
Babysitter career increase rate increased to 2x faster than a regular sim
Relationship Changes:
Romance relationships will increase 2x faster than that of a regular sim
Friendships will increase 60% slower than that of a regular sim. Friendships will also decrease 2x faster than that of a regular sim.
Continuous Loots:
Buff Name: A Date to McDonalds
Buff Description: He took me on a date to McDonalds, which is absolutely okay. A real woman doesn't need a man to take her somewhere nice just to prove how great of a man he is.
Buff Emotion: Happy
Emotional Weight: +2
(From Being a Pickmesha on a Date)
Buff Name: At Least He Tried
Buff Description: There are many women who are unappreciative of being taken out on dates, but I am not one. I am happy that he chose to take me out. I'm not one of the girls that will need a million and one things to be happy.
Buff Emotion: Happy
Emotional Weight: +2
(From Being a Pickmesha on a Bad Date)
Buff Name: Poor Fools
Buff Description: Look at all of these women here. I bet they come here every weekend. No man will want a woman like that.
Buff Emotion: Uncomfortable
Emotional Weight: +1
(From Being a Pickmesha at a club)
Buff Name: A Real Woman at Home
Buff Description: There are many women that will be going out to the club tonight, but I am at home because men don't want women who are always out clubbing.
Buff Emotion: Happy
Emotional Weight: +1
(From Being a Pickmesha at Home)
Buff Name: No Need For That
Buff Description: A real man doesn't need to waste money to rent a hotel room just for a space to express his love to you. Romantic moments are enough.
Buff Emotion: Happy
Emotional Weight: +1
(From a Woohoo in a 1996 Honda Civic)
Buff Name: Dressed Like Whoopi From Sister’s Act 2
Buff Description: I do not need make up in order to look beautiful like these hoes today. Men do not like make up. I am dressed good because a man wants a woman who will cover up.
Buff Emotion: Happy
Emotional Weight: +1
(From Being a Pickmesha Dressed Formally)
Buff Name: Siding with Misogyny
Buff Description: These women just do not understand their role in society and in the household. These women are the reason why the divorce rate is so high.
Buff Emotion: Happy
Emotional Weight: +1
(From Being a Pickmesha Seeing Women Protest)